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Christian Watts

Why This Blog? What makes one person more inspirational than another…

Updated: Sep 25, 2022

I like to believe there is good in everyone, we are all capable of being honest and kind, we all can do something every day that can make a huge impact on someone else’s life. A simple smile, opening a door, buying someone a coffee, it’s not about giving them advice or always trying to find a solution, it’s about giving someone time, time can be a precious gift.

We all have history, we all have had our inner battles and stories to tell, I like to think I’m a listener. I like hearing other people journeys as I don’t feel that anyone else’s story is less important, they are personal, making it hard for the person living them.

This year I have gone through a world wind of emotions and changes; Could be the pile of new medication, new freedoms after being a single parent, covid or I the fact i thought I fell in love… Whatever it was I found a place that just seemed easy from losing weight to trying new things even work. I seemed to see the world differently’ colours seemed sharper; I could feel the blood pumping even breathing felt new. Things that used to bother even scare me didn’t seem too as much. I have also done so many new things and had amazing mini adventures. I have been a good place and probably for the first-time in a long time.

When you're in a good place

This year I have gone through a world wind of emotions and changes

This year I have gone through a world wind of emotions and changes; Could be the pile of new medication, new freedoms after being a single parent, covid or I the fact i thought I fell in love… Whatever it was I found a place that just seemed easy from losing weight to trying new things even work. I seemed to see the world differently’ colours seemed sharper; I could feel the blood pumping even breathing felt new. Things that used to bother even scare me didn’t seem too as much. I have also done so many new things and had amazing mini adventures. I have been a good place and probably for the first-time in a long time.


You see I was plodding along; I was just content. I couldn’t tell if things were good or bad, I don’t think I was unhappy I don’t know how explain it, simply content, I felt I had a good life and been lucky enough to have done everything I thought I wanted to do, I was winding down, i excepted where I was, my son is building his life and doing well, I felt I had done my job, and even though I was a person not to let my legs beat me, for a while I probably did!

I was never told I couldn’t do anything; it was about finding my owns body's limits. It’s important to push boundaries while, at the same time, making sure we don’t realise those boundaries are there. I had forgot this for a while!

So. the why

So, I suppose I’m scared of losing that place. Doing this writing this blog sharing on Instagram ( this is my way of staying in a good place. Putting things out there making me do the things I want to do, to push me out of my comfort zone. Push my body beyond its limits. I need help with that. As I have not been very good at doing things for myself doing something for just me isn’t enough motivation even though I can see it has a lot of benefits for my health, disability, my soul. So, I I’m hoping sharing my thoughts and being inspired by other people's stories and the people around me. We can all inspire each other.

So, over the next few years I want to see and experience as much as I can whilst raising money for charity, hopefully inspire people like they inspire me whilst build awareness of living with a disability. #mytwoclubfeet

Read a book to the end Roller-coaster


If they go well; get pushed out of a plane

A Marathon Visit as many countries as possible Sunrise in Brighton Sunset in Mumbi Perform in a rock band

Be an elf at Christmas

See if I still don’t like cheese get a tattoo Take my top off in public (beach or waterpark) A festival one in the UK one abroad

Experience different jobs

Go on a drop slide

Taste new foods and drinks Put on new events A yoga class Set up a social enterprise

See as many shows as possible

Go to a spa maybe a massage Dance in the rain

Hold a snake

A spiritual retreat Be a better friend!

The list will probably get longer, I ate ice cream whilst having a bubble bath the other month just because I could and I had never done it, not everything has to be big and expensive, it’s about living life to the fullest. And what makes one person more inspirational than another, well nothing we are all inspirational in our own ways, we all have a story and a journey we are on!



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