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Who Knew, July is Disability Pride Month!

Christian Watts

Updated: Jan 25, 2024

To be honest, I hadn't until now, despite living with a disability my whole life. Disability Pride Month is designed to 'accept and honour each person’s uniqueness' and 'promote visibility and mainstream awareness' of the positive pride experienced by individuals with disabilities. Self-acceptance has been a struggle for me in the past and occasionally still is. Consequently, I hold mixed feelings about Pride Month. However, over the last year, I've been learning to embrace my disability rather than conceal it. A significant part of this journey involves sharing my stories through this blog.

People with disabilities are the largest and most diverse minority group within the population, representing all abilities, ages, races, ethnicities, religions and socio-economic backgrounds. There are 16 million people in the UK with a disability, so it’s no surprise that a movement of “disability pride” is emerging and rapidly expanding. So, what is disability pride?

Disability pride is defined as accepting and honouring each person’s uniqueness, and seeing it as a natural and beautiful part of human diversity. Disability pride is an integral part of an inclusive crusade and, furthermore, a direct challenge to systemic ableism and stigmatizing definitions of disability.

Disability pride month July 2024
Disability Pride Month

Defining Disability Pride

Disability pride, a relatively new concept in the UK, began its first celebration in 2015.

Often, people tend to view disability solely as a medical diagnosis. For instance: 'My disability is a spinal cord injury,' 'my disability is depression,' or 'my disability is a brain injury.' However, disability encompasses more than just the physical and/or mental effects on the body.

It's more than the medications taken or the specialized physicians seen to manage a condition. Disability is a fundamental aspect of one's identity. Yet, it's not the sole identity; individuals may also identify by gender, race, height, and various other attributes. Embracing your unique individuality is significant and holds inherent value." On a personal level, I'm endeavouring to embrace this journey myself, and admittedly, it can be quite challenging. I do have limitations that are difficult to accept. However, my disability has played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today and how I perceive the world. It motivates me to pursue things that seem beyond my reach. Despite ongoing struggles and doubts, I hold firm beliefs in being a good person. I believe we all have the capacity to achieve more, support one another, and preserve our world. If someone else doesn't share these beliefs, it's essential to define your own limitations and not let them dictate your life. Kindness is an easy touchstone to guide us along this journey.

"Through my disABILITY I found myself, my work, my life, a social purpose. I wouldn't have it any other way "

Disability Pride London to Brighton  Big Walk for Carboon
My Big Walk Fundraiser

Carboon’s & My Two Club Feet “let’s Plant Bamboo” with my Big Walk

London to Brighton July 2024 This July, I’m embracing Pride Month with my most significant physical challenge yet. On July 1st, with a bunch of friends and family supporting me, I’ll be dusting off my crutches, bracing my legs, taking plenty of meds, and commencing my 100km (62.137 miles) journey from Richmond, London, to Brighton. I might still be unaware of my limitations, aiming to reach Brighton Pier within three days. Despite being told that a marathon is beyond my capabilities, I’ve essentially committed to completing two and a half marathons back-to-back, pushing myself beyond my limits and putting my legs through the wringer before I potentially lose their function. finding my Social Purpose with Crowdfunder goes live on 8th May 2014 or you can donate directly on this site Let's Plant Bamboo - My Big Walks supporting mental health, disAbilities and the environment. Phase 1:

Land Purchase – To start planting bamboo, we aim to secure funds for acquiring unused agricultural land. The more funds we raise, the more bamboo we can plant. Replacing 1 acre of grass with bamboo can increase carbon removal from approximately 1 ton to over 12 tons from the atmosphere.

Website Update – Our website,, will undergo updates to provide more information. Teaching people about the benefits and kindness of eating more plant based food and using more biodegradable materials in everyday life.

Phase 2:

Establishing Carboon's Animal Sanctuary – We aim to create a space that supports positive mental health and animals in need of rescue and rehabilitation. In today's busy and stressful world, connecting with nature and animals can be immensely therapeutic. Being outdoors interacting and bonding with animals can help with many physical and mental issues. It can help reduce blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Here we will provide sanctuary for all animals that are in need, and these two were the start that taught me to follow my heart.

Little Bow sheep & Lambmar, having a beach day!

Just two lambs having a beach day!
My first Rescue Lambs Bow & Lambmar

I took these two in when they were just hours old because their mother, sadly, didn't know how to care for them. For the next 45 days, they lived in my house, and I had to bottle-feed them every 4 to 5 hours. These two deserve their own blog post, which I'll share in the future. For now, I simply wanted to highlight a reason that's driven me to pursue my dreams and lead the life I felt was necessary: it's important to be kind and lend a voice to those who don't have one.


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